Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do Something Crazy

Most of the great success stories of making money online is not connected to the paths above all. Instead, showcase brazen opportunism that flies in the face of logic and reason. Take Alex Tew MillionDollarHomepage since 2005, for example - the site was founded with the sole purpose of selling a pixel of dollars apiece to advertisers to finance the holder of a university education. On paper, the idea was ridiculous - of course it was - but 21-year-old Tew soon noticed a certified millionaire. So did the founders of Doggles, an internet business devoted to selling goggles ... dogs. The point is that just as "real" world, the originality of a couple of good business management skills can get more rewards than any supposedly tried and true way to generate money that you can take care to mention. So be creative.

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